
ELA-143-1 libonig security update


July 17, 2019

ELA-142-1 libxslt security update

uninitialized read

July 11, 2019

ELA-141-1 unzip security update


July 9, 2019

ELA-140-1 glib2.0 security update

insecure permissions

July 5, 2019

ELA-139-1 bash security update

heap-based buffer overflow

July 3, 2019

ELA-138-1 ntfs-3g security update

fix for heap buffer overflow

June 29, 2019

ELA-137-1 libvirt security update

arbitrary file read and denial-of-service

June 28, 2019

ELA-136-1 expat security update

high amount of RAM and CPU consumption in XML parser

June 27, 2019

ELA-134-1 python2.7 security update

multiple vulnerabilities

June 25, 2019

ELA-135-1 python2.6 security update

multiple vulnerabilities

June 25, 2019

ELA-133-1 linux security update

linux kernel update

June 23, 2019

ELA-132-1 bzip2 security update

fix for out-of-bounds write and use-after-free

June 22, 2019