ELA-999-1 open-vm-tools security update

multiple vulnerabilities

Version10.1.5-5055683-4+deb9u6 (jessie), 2:10.1.5-5055683-4+deb9u6 (stretch)
Related CVEs CVE-2023-34058 CVE-2023-34059

The Open Virtual Machine Tools (open-vm-tools) project is an open source implementation of VMware Tools. It is a suite of virtualization utilities and drivers to improve the functionality, user experience and administration of VMware virtual machines.


A file descriptor hijack vulnerability was found in the `vmware-user-suid-wrapper`
command. A malicious actor with non-root privileges might have been able
to hijack the `block` file descriptor. Compared to the most recent upstream version,
the `uinput` file descriptor hijack vulnerability was not present (this file descriptor
was added latter for supporting Wayland).


A SAML Token Signature Bypass vulnerability was found in VGAUTH component.
A malicious actor that has been granted Guest Operation Privileges
in a target virtual machine might have been able to
elevate their privileges if that target
virtual machine has been assigned a more privileged Guest Alias.

This update fixes CVE-2023-34058 and CVE-2023-34059 for Stretch, but fixes only CVE-2023-34058 for Jessie. Indeed, the vulnerable code (VGAUTH component) was introduced later in upstream version 9.10.0, and thus Jessie was not vulnerable to the attack exposed in CVE-2023-34059.

For Debian 8 jessie, these problems have been fixed in version 10.1.5-5055683-4+deb9u6.

For Debian 9 stretch, these problems have been fixed in version 2:10.1.5-5055683-4+deb9u6.

We recommend that you upgrade your open-vm-tools packages.

Further information about Extended LTS security advisories can be found in the dedicated section of our website.