ELA-1137-1 python3.5 security update

multiple vulnerabilities

Version3.5.3-1+deb9u10 (stretch)
Related CVEs CVE-2024-0397 CVE-2024-4032 CVE-2024-5642

Multiple vulnerabilities have been fixed in the Python3 interpreter.


Race condition in ssl.SSLContext


Incorrect information about private addresses in the ipaddress module


NPN buffer overread when using empty list in SSLContext.set_npn_protocols()

Note that the CVE-2024-5642 fix disables NPN (Next Protocol Negotiation) in the ssl module, NPN is a TLS extension for the obsolete SPDY protocol (HTTP/2 is the successor to SPDY). Support for the NPN-successor ALPN for HTTP/2 continues to be available.

For Debian 9 stretch, these problems have been fixed in version 3.5.3-1+deb9u10.

We recommend that you upgrade your python3.5 packages.

Further information about Extended LTS security advisories can be found in the dedicated section of our website.