ELA-1000-1 ceph security update

unprivileged user access

Version0.80.7-2+deb8u6 (jessie), 10.2.11-2+deb9u2 (stretch)
Related CVEs CVE-2023-43040

A flaw was found in Ceph RGW component. An unprivileged user can write to any bucket(s) accessible by a given key if a POST’s form-data contains a key called “bucket” with a value matching the name of the bucket used to sign the request. The result of this is that a user could actually upload to any bucket accessible by the specified access key as long as the bucket in the POST policy matches the bucket in said POST form part.

For Debian 8 jessie, these problems have been fixed in version 0.80.7-2+deb8u6.

For Debian 9 stretch, these problems have been fixed in version 10.2.11-2+deb9u2.

We recommend that you upgrade your ceph packages.

Further information about Extended LTS security advisories can be found in the dedicated section of our website.