About Debian 12 Bookworm

Everything that you need to know about our support of Debian 12 Bookworm.

Extended LTS for Debian 12 Bookworm

Support period

  • 2023-06-10: Publication of Debian 12 Bookworm
  • 2026-06-11: Security support handed over to the Debian LTS team.
  • 2028-06-30: End of support in Debian. Security support now handled by Freexian’s Extended LTS service.
  • 2033-06-30: End of support.

Architectures supported

  • amd64

The set of architectures supported depend on the request of our customers. At this point, you can be sure that amd64 will be supported. But we can easily support armhf, arm64 and i386. If you need another architecture, please subscribe and let us know your requirements.

Limitations of support

Not all packages can be supported by our Extended LTS for Debian 12 service:

Note that when you request a quote, we send you back a list of packages that are not supported or that have limitations in their support so that you can take an informed decision.

List of base packages

The following packages are part of Debian’s 12 base system and will thus always be supported (as long as we have customers paying for Debian 12 support):

  • The list has not been finalized yet.