The APT repositories have been updated with the following PHP releases:
- php5.6 5.6.40-39
- php7.0 7.0.33-38
- php7.1 7.1.33-25
- php7.2 7.2.34-9
- php7.3 7.3.26-1
- php7.4 7.4.14-1
- php8.0 8.0.1-1
Couple more popular PECL extensions have been uploaded the the APT repositories:
- php-apcu 5.1.19+4.0.11-2
- php-igbinary 3.2.1+2.0.8-1
- php-imagick 3.4.4+php8.0+3.4.4-1
- php-memcached 3.1.5+2.2.0-4
- php-mongodb 1.9.0+1.7.5-1
- php-msgpack 2.1.2+0.5.7-1
- php-redis 5.3.2+4.3.0-1
- php-xdebug 3.0.1+2.9.8+2.8.1+2.5.5-1
- php-xmlrpc 1.0.0~rc1-2
Further information about Extended LTS security advisories can be found in the dedicated section of our website.