Debian Contributions: Preparing for Python 3.12, /usr-merge updates, invalid PEP-440 versions, and more!
Utkarsh Gupta
23 novembre 2023
Extended LTS Team releases 1000th ELA
18 novembre 2023
Debian Contributions: Freexian meetup, debusine updates, lpr/lpd in Debian, and more!
Utkarsh Gupta, Stefano Rivera
20 octobre 2023
Debian Contributions: /usr-merge updates, Salsa CI progress, DebConf23 lead-up, and more!
Utkarsh Gupta
10 septembre 2023
Debian Contributions: /usr-merge updates, DebConf Bursary prep, and more!
Utkarsh Gupta
12 juillet 2023